Monday, July 28, 2008

Youngstown Rocks the Arts!

**Photos by Sarah Poulton,**
On July 26, Youngstown rocked the arts! Taking place in the area behind the Purple Cat Champion Street location, Front Street was closed to celebrate independent art native to Youngstown and the surrounding area. Hosted by Art Youngstown, the festival featured a wide array of talent by local artists and musicians, and The Purple Cat crew was on hand with the Touch the Moon Candy Saloon van! We got a chance to hang out all day, sell some art and crafts made by the gang at The Purple Cat and to enjoy alot of the fine art and music that Youngstown has to offer!

Unfortunately, as has been the case with most of Youngstown's summer
festivals this year, Mother Nature was not as kind as she could have been. During 5 Elements' set on the South Stage, the rain began to POUR at about 4:45 or so. And it sure came down hard! Drenching everything and everyone in its path! But, after about a half hour to forty-five minutes later, the sun made it back out again! We battled with rain off and on for most of the day, but in the end, everyone had a blast, and it was worth sticking through the rain to experience such an amazing day of music and art VERY close to home!

We're having a great summer here at The Purple Cat, and are having a blast with all of the amazing entertainment that is happening Downtown! SUPPORT DOWTOWN YOUNGSTOWN!! Come out to these free events, and support the city and its artistic residents! The only way to make more things happen in this town is to support the ones that are already going on. Enjoy the rest of your summer, and we'll keep you posted on what continues to unfold at The Purple Cat!

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